Monday 26 September 2011


Having spent a lovely morning talking like I was on helium, we have all the sounds recorded and Danny is now going through the mind numbing process of getting them all dropped into the game and synced up with the action!

With Nikos getting the animations working at the same time, the whole shebang is starting to come to life (and it's really rather amusing).

Looking to get a new video up by the end of tomorrow, with a playable demo doing a fly around the office on Wednesday. Keep your fingers crossed that Apple are nice to us, and we can gets in into your apps stocking by Xmas!!

Tuesday 13 September 2011

Just so you know...

The head of Web at roll7 would like you to know that he has nothing to do with the design or build of this (frankly very basic) blog.

Monday 12 September 2011


Nikos is currently stuck in Greece because there aren't any airports or something, but that's given me the time to have a little play around with what we've got in the editor right now and start making some levels, seeing how the different components fit together and generally get to grips with all things gets.

It's surprising how hard things can get, even just the addition of an extra set of spikes in combination with a grumpy yeti can make a level nigh on impossible.

Anyway, I've chopped together a quick look at how we're getting on so far, so go check it out!